FAKE: Bill Gates asked about profiting from Untested Covid vaccines and stealing technology

FAKE: Bill Gates asked about profiting from Untested Covid vaccines and stealing technology

A video is being shared across Whatsapp, Twitter and other platforms with different misleading titles like “Bill Gates caught in Corner” and “Bill Gates destroyed in ABC interview” which starts with interviewer asking the question “So, Mr. Gates, in your own words, What have you contributed to the world?”

The video then goes on to accuse Mr. Bill Gates of stealing technology from some one else and also profiteering from covid vaccines and medication that he doesn’t understand, selling product full of bugs. The video also accuses Mr. Gates of promoting medicines that caused many injuries and deaths.

The video is FAKE. The original video is of an ABC News Australia interview which has been edited. The argumentative audio looks like its AI generated, but the lip sync in the video is poorly done, masked with the captions written on the screen.

The original interview does not discuss these matters at all. The actual ABC interview discusses climate change and Covid-19 conspiracy theories. The interview is available on Youtube