FACT CHECK: N95 masks with valve are unsafe

FACT CHECK: N95 masks with valve are unsafe

Ever since the COVID virus scare started and masks began to be enforced in public, N95 masks have been regarded as the best at this, which protects you against 95% of all airborne particles. But, news has come out now that certain type of N95 masks are not safe. Clearly this has created panic and has raised a lot of questions against the manufacturing company and the government administrations. What is the truth behind the news.

What is the function of valves in the mask?

The valves allow one way air passage which allows easy exhalation for the user. This reduces the uneasiness due to heating up and humidity build up inside the mask. These masks provide the same protection to the wearer and filters the air before you breathe in.

Then, why is it not safe?

The problem with the valve is that it does not do the same filtration to the air that is exhaled. This means the exhaled air can contain germs or virus, if the wearer is already infected. The pandemic has created a situation where in the purpose of mask is not just to protest yourself from getting infected, but to make sure that you don’t infect others.

So, if you have been using an N95 mask with a valve till now, there is no need to worry. You are safe. As the need of the situation is to care for others, the same way you do for yourself, you can start using masks without the valve, N95 or regular ones.